Practical Secure Cloud - Lessons From The Front Line of Defence
Session Description
Security is a primary concern for all organisations as they continue their march to the cloud. With investment in and use of the cloud growing faster than ever, wondering if they can keep their users, workloads, and data safe is giving business and technology stakeholders sleepless nights like never before. Is it truly secure? Can I trust the cloud? What workloads should I hold back? What should I actually worry about? These are all questions I regularly hear when working with customers in the Defence world, all of which are relevant to cloud customers in any organisation or market. This session brings my "Magic Eight Bullets" of advice given to Defence and other security-conscious organisations as they have moved to the cloud - tweaked and shaped for a jargon-free, non-military audience. If you want to understand how ultra-security-conscious organisations (those with all the secrets!) can securely, safely, and remotely consume and benefit from cloud services, this session is for you.
Attendees (16)

Simon Cockeram

Seb Matthews

Gareth James

Graham Rollerson

Garreth Hegarty

Luke Smith

Shaun Pearson

Lester March

Manoj Bora

Matthew Brockway

William Francillette

Ibidapo Babatunde

Gemma Savill

Paul Martin

Alex Hazeldine