
Unleash the Power of Azure Resource Graph

14th Oct 10:30am - 10:50am BST Expo Hall - Theatre 4
14 attended
Session Description

In this session you will get deep insight on how to can query the state of your Azure resources at scale in near real-time – from portal, Azure CLI, Powershell, .NET, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, REST.

This will be a demo-packed session with lots of samples – including how you can view the resource health of your VMs, extract recommendations from Defender for Cloud across your entire enterprise and use it in Excel, see pending patches on your servers, show the status of your extension installations. 

You will also get introduced to a repository with +100 queries, you can use right away in our own environment.

Attendees (14)
Morten Knudsen
Security & Cloud Architect at 2LINKIT
Pradeep Kandel
Azure Engineer at Merocloud.com
Gareth James
Head of Cyber Security Architecture at SCC
Dave Clarke
Product Manager at SquaredUp
Adi Cristea
Power Platform Developer at PPA Consult
Shaun Pearson
Developer at Big White Solutions
colin bain
COO at ANS Group
Ibidapo Babatunde
Assist. Manager I.T/ERP at BUA Cement Plc
Wayne Bellows
Azure Consultant at risual
James Solan
Senior Consultant at Simpson Associates
Jim Windley
Senior Cloud Services Engineer at University of Exeter
Ed Hughes-Phillips
Senior Software Engineer at Ordnance Survey
Nick Woodley
Head of Cloud and Platforms at Ascent Digital
Jack Tracey
Senior Cloud Solutions Architect at Microsoft