Intensely curious about many things. I’m a cloud technology leader, Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), speaker, and published author of the novel Field Blends (Köehler Books, 2020), the forthcoming novel Flickan, the multi-edition Power Platform Adoption Framework, and numerous essays on related topics. I serve as CTO at HSO working directly with enterprise CIOs and leading our Digital and App Innovation + Integration + Data and AI + Infrastructure, Security, and Modern Work solution areas in the Microsoft Cloud. My professional focus is on cloud technology and enterprise technical architecture in large, often global enterprises. As a writer my thoughts are occupied with literary fiction, cultural identity, Europe and America, technology in society, and—more so in my past than my present—wine. I grew up on the sea, drove boats for America’s Coast Guard, and have since worked on some of the world’s largest Microsoft adoptions on all seven continents (including Antarctica), served startup to Fortune 100 organizations, public sector agencies, global NGOs, and taught in higher education. I live in the United Kingdom, return often to the United States, and stop frequently in Sweden, Spain, Romania, and the Netherlands.
Speaker's Sessions
Sr. Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft
Strategic Thinking for the Microsoft Cloud
I have come to understand strategic thinking as more art than science. Strategy is surely informed in part by data, but I find that our society in general and the technology industry specifically too often confuse data and wisdom, that we foolishly (though under...
I have come to understand strategic thinking as more art than science. Strategy is surely informe...