eGroup Enabling Technologies
About eGroup Enabling Technologies
eGroup Enabling Technologies is a nationwide, 9x Microsoft Partner of the Year recipient. Most recent Partner of the Year awards were for Microsfot Teams Meetings and Calling, and Microsoft Endpoint Management.
eGroup Enabling Technologies is leading the way in the Microsoft Copilot and Azure AI frontier. With a start to finish program, we're helping clients, crawl, walk, and run with this seemingly unlimited solution.
With 30+ years of experience, and a comprehensive cloud and data center solutions portfolio, eGroup Enabling Technologies delivers outstanding results for customers across the nation.
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We can help with...
- Microsoft Teams Phone System
- Microsoft 365 Copilot
- Azure AI
- Microsoft Sentinel
- Microsoft Defenders
- MSSP/MXDR service
- Data Modernization
- Managed Services
Booth Staff
Scott Thayer
Western Region Sales Director at eGroup Enabling Technologies