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How to build a properconnction to cloud services
29th Jun
2:00pm - 2:45pm BST
Room C
2 attended
Session Description
Using Office 365, Teams and other cloud services sounds easy: start your browser, Office App and go. But using a service with 50+ms latency can be challenging in comparison to a local server with GBit and low latency.
Learn how Azure Networks, peering, TCP-parameters, DNS-Resolution and other parts work together and how simple misconfiguratoins can hit your teams media performance. Understand, why UDP is a requirement and not only a "wish".
I'll show you some easy, free but effective ways to measure and monitor your network connections during all three stages (plan, deploy, operation) of your cloud project.
Attendees (2)

Matthew Holloway
WW Vice President UCC at Audiocodes

Carolyn Hill
Digital Training Lead at The Inform Team