Viva Wayfinder, for a thriving guiding new hire journey
Session Description
Is your Hiring Process well… overwhelming? A convoluted hiring process can cost businesses time, money, and the perfect hire. Let's face it – these processes don’t only impact HR anymore, either. Modern work significantly impacts IT professionals, M365 Strategists, and workplace consultants. Join this session that addresses this problem head-on!
What's the Problem? The reality is your current New Hire process isn't cutting it, and it's costing you. There are many moving parts, and recruiting top talent has never been more challenging. Plus, the digital skills gap keeps growing. The pandemic only accelerated the need for a better approach.
Why Fix It? Hiring skilled staff is crucial for your business's success. Bridging the skills gap in a digital world is a must. That's whereViva Wayfindercomes in. Wayfinder is an extension for Microsoft 365 that helps employees to access applications and content sources. By the end of this session, you'll be armed with a simplified employee framework for HR.
Microsoft MVP Lesley Crook, will demonstrate a New Hire Journey that starts on Teams and integrates effortlessly with SharePoint, assignments in Planner, Amplify, and Loop, and possibly even Copilot - leading onwards to Viva Goals, Connections, Engage, Answers in Viva, Learning, and Insights, all designed to meet the users where they are!
Outcomes & Learnings: Learn to meet users where they are with:
- The ability to transform your New Hires into thriving employees with the Viva ecosystem!
- The power of Microsoft Viva modules supporting Human Capital Management by seamlessly integrating Teams, SharePoint, Planner, Amplify, Loop, LinkedIn, Workday, ServiceNow, SAP Success Factors, and more!
- Ideas to share this simplified employee framework for HR and system admins alike!