
Journeying from End User to Partner: Would We Lie To You?

14th Oct 10:30am - 10:50am BST Expo Hall - Theatre 3
12 attended
Session Description

Are you an end user considering the transition to Consultancy or are you a Partner who wants to understand the barriers that end users face when considering the jump?

Having made this journey ourselves, and now being part of a Power Platform team where around a third of our consultants have made this journey, we want to share the REAL truths and expose some of the myths around taking this step.

We’ll talk about our real-life experiences in a bid to help you find the right journey for you and/or your organisation.  We will explore/discuss:

  • What stopped me?
  • What pushed me?
  • First few weeks experience as a consultant
  • Is it the right journey for me?
  • What benefit do end users bring to consultancy & how can Partners support them?


Lynsey Winchurch

Power Platform Functional Team Lead

Lynsey Winchurch

Power Platform Functional Team Lead

Ollie Sinclair

Principal Consultant

Lynsey Winchurch

Power Platform Functional Team Lead

Lynsey Winchurch

Power Platform Functional Team Lead
Attendees (12)
Hugh Tonking
Systems Developer at University of Bath
Lynsey Winchurch
Power Platform Functional Team Lead at CRIMSON
Kayleigh Duddy
D365 Functional Lead at Crimson
Frank Lawrence
Power Platform Architect / Developer at Elite Software Solutions Ltd
Martin McNamara
Junior Power Platform Consultant at Crimson Limited
Henry Lamborn
Senior D365 Functional Consultant at Crimson Ltd
Carrie Ager
Principal Consultant at Columbus Global
Ibidapo Babatunde
Assist. Manager I.T/ERP at BUA Cement Plc
Laura Cogger
Microsoft Business Manager at Cognitive Group
Charan Vaghela
Solutions Analyst at BDO Services Limited
Alexandra Hollins
Consultant at Consultant
Aleena Gautam
Account Manager at Astraeus