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32 days
19 hours
39 mins

Challenges of Location Data: Places Makes This Easier Right??

15th Apr 11:00am - 12:00pm MDT Telluride A
4 attending
Session Description

Location information is essential for many calling features in Teams, such as quality management, emergency calling, and location sharing. However, Teams uses location data from various sources, such as device permissions, user input, and network information. This can create complexity and confusion for admins who need to configure and manage these services effectively.

Since we last talked about this Microsoft has added Places which also uses location data, so now things will be even easier right?

In this talk, we will explore how and where Teams uses location and networking information, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

We'll also cover where this overlaps with Places (or not) to try and provide tips for optimizing your location services settings for your Teams deployments & beyond.

Attendees (4)
John Cook
President at Intellisystems Inc
Greg Hinson
Lead Principal Architect at AT&T
Olivier Przybylski
O365 Program Manager at Boulder County
Nelson Hampton
Sr Staff Network Engineer at Qualcomm
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