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South Coast Summit

Thomas Stensitzki

Granikos GmbH & Co. KG


Thomas Stensitzki owns Granikos GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, and focuses as a principal consultant on Exchange Server, Office 365, and Microsoft Azure. He is an MVP for M365 Apps and Services. He holds various Microsoft certifications, like Microsoft Certified Master for Exchange Server 2010 and Microsoft Certified Solutions Master Messaging. When not working as a consultant, he teaches Microsoft technology courses as an MCT. He is an MCT Regional Lead for Germany.

Speaker's Sessions
Navigate 2 In Person

Exchange Hybrid - The best approach for full migration and permanent coexistence

An Exchange hybrid configuration comes in various flavors. When using Microsoft Teams with on-premises mailboxes, you must know which hybrid option to choose. This session helps you understand the difference between the Exchange hybrid options and selecting the ...

An Exchange hybrid configuration comes in various flavors. When using Microsoft Teams with on-pre...

9 attended
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