This Session will start in
32 days
10 hours
53 mins

Branch Office Survivability - Is 2025 the year of the Survivable Branch Appliance?

16th Apr 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT Big Thompson
5 attending
Session Description

The Survivable Branch Appliance, or SBA, got a major refresh at the end of 2024 that addressed a number of limitations that kept it as a niche solution. That sounds great, right? Who doesn't want survivability or high availability? It can be tempting to chase labels like "HA Pair" or "SDWAN", or acronyms like "SBA" and then deploy cool things.

When building for resilience and survivability, care must be taken to fully understand your environment, Teams, and what can go wrong, and then select the appropriate technologies to implement your goals. We'll cover common pitfalls and scenarios that can lead to voice outages. We'll spend some time looking at the SBA's capabilities and the issues they address, and then we'll look at some complimentary (or alternative) solutions you should also consider - networking, firewall, Internet, physical plant and office space, and more.

At the end of this session, you'll have a solid understanding of what an SBA can and cannot do for you, and what other technologies can be leveraged to put more "high" in your "high availability" solution. You'll also gain an understanding of how to evaluate and address Teams voice points of failure that may affect your environment.

Attendees (5)
Greg Hinson
Lead Principal Architect at AT&T
John Cook
President at Intellisystems Inc
Tim Haskell
Marci Umbarger
IT Operations Manager at City of Brighton
Jeff McBride
Solution Architect at Cloud Revolution
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