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Comms vNext 2025

Torren Manson

Solutions Architect
Cloud Revolution

I'm a Principal Consultant working with Teams voice, as well as all of the supporting bits from Microsoft and others. As a consultant, my role is to help organizations sort through the available options and make choices that work for them.I'm a Teams MVP, the founder/coordinator/presenter at the British Columbia Unified Communications User Group and will wander to other user groups to spread my own version of UC & Collab reality. I blog useful things at blog.bumpinthe.net and tweet occasionally from @bumpinthenet. I live in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.
Speaker's Sessions
Platte River In Person

Best Practices for Emergency Calling

16th Apr 11:00am - 12:00pm MDT

Kari's Law and RAY BAUMs act have been in force for a while, and there are some good resources for the "how-to" setup emergency calling in Teams questions. This presentation is the sequel to those "how-to" resources, diving into the story behind the configurati...

Kari's Law and RAY BAUMs act have been in force for a while, and there are some good resources fo...

5 attending

Best Practices for Emergency Calling

16th Apr 11:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Big Thompson In Person

Branch Office Survivability - Is 2025 the year of the Survivable Branch Appliance?

16th Apr 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT

The Survivable Branch Appliance, or SBA, got a major refresh at the end of 2024 that addressed a number of limitations that kept it as a niche solution. That sounds great, right? Who doesn't want survivability or high availability? It can be tempting to chase la...

The Survivable Branch Appliance, or SBA, got a major refresh at the end of 2024 that addressed a ...

5 attending
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