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Comms vNext 2024

Alexander Holmeset

Manager Modern Work
Sopra Steria


Alexander Holmeset is an international speaker. He works as a Manage Modern Work at Sopra Steria and currently blogs at http://alexholmeset.blog. Alexander´s focus is everything Skype for Business, Teams, M365, logicapps/powertautomate, Graph api and automation with PowerShell. His motto is: If you are going to do something more than once, then automate it.

Speaker's Sessions
Platte River In Person

Integrating Azure OpenAI with Microsoft Teams

23rd Apr 9:45am - 10:45am MDT

The world of chat AI has come over us quickly, and changed the way we work forever. We will take a look at what Azure OpenAI has to offer, and what capabilities it has. How can we use it to integrate with Microsoft Teams to make our workday easier? We will creat...

The world of chat AI has come over us quickly, and changed the way we work forever. We will take ...

37 attended

Integrating Azure OpenAI with Microsoft Teams

23rd Apr 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
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