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Comms vNext 2024

Kristi Robison, IGP

CEO, Strategic Advisor
Paintrock Consulting Services


Kristi Robison is an Information Governance expert and Microsoft Partner with a passion for driving innovation through collaboration. She was a Wyoming Woman Entrepreneur of the Year nominee in 2022-3, has founded 2 non-profit organizations, and actively works to support Diversity in Tech. This and 20+ years' expertise in the Microsoft ecosystem make her a sought-after speaker and trusted advisor.  Kristi lives in Wyoming for its natural beauty, and between work committments she devotes time to her non-profit Friends of Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site and Cultural Center.

This is Kristi's second time being honored to present at the CommsVNext conference. Join her session, "The Best Preparation for AI and Copilot is a Modernized Information Governance Strategy - Here's how to prepare" Tuesday, April 23 at 3:30 pm in the Platte River room.  There will be a quiz and attendee prizes!

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Speaker's Sessions
Platte River In Person

The Best Preparation for AI and Copilot is a Modernized Information Governance Strategy. Here's How To Prepare.

23rd Apr 3:30pm - 4:30pm MDT

In the face of AI-driven digital transformation and an unprecedented surge in data creation and storage, the urgency for robust Information Governance is escalating. This session will dissect the intricate challenges and opportunities that this data-intensive la...

In the face of AI-driven digital transformation and an unprecedented surge in data creation and s...

48 attended
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