
Exhibitor Booth Staff

Commsverse 2023

Julie Mitchell

About Verint
Visit Booth

We are keen to understand your challenges around compliance, particularly around the lifecycle of data, increased compliance complexity and how your journey is progressing towards a proactive, risk-based approach to communications compliance. One that puts your employees – wherever they are, whenever they’re working and however, they are communicating - at the centre of your compliance regime.

Unlike most recording vendors that focus solely on capturing the voice we are bridging the ‘compliance gap’ created by the additional communication modes offered by advanced UC platforms like MSFT Teams (IM, Video, Voice etc). We support a framework that captures, analyses and validates all communications. We believe in creating proactive solutions that mitigate risk and keep pace with regulations. Meeting  compliance requirements and protecting brands are all simplified with the Verint solution.

We would love to talk about what we believe is the way forward  -"Human" compliance - going beyond recording devices and interactions, shifting focus from technologies to the alignment of data around people - the next new horizon for compliance.

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