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Teams Phone: Navigating Calling Plans, Direct Routing, Operator Connect, and Teams Phone Mobile

21st Jun 3:20pm - 3:45pm BST Room B
32 attended
In Person
Session Description

With the growing popularity of Teams Phone, it's essential to choose the right delivery method to ensure a smooth and successful deployment. This session will provide a detailed overview of the various delivery methods available,

You will learn:

  • The benefits and drawbacks of each method
  • How to best choose between them
  • What key considerations to include when approaching your deployment

By the end of the session, attendees will have a solid understanding of the different Teams Phone delivery methods available and be well-equipped to choose the right approach for their deployment.

Attendees (32)
Karthik Ramiya
UCC Solutions Architect at M247
Stephen Foster
Client Success Manager at Martello technologies
Dan Crisci
Technical Consultant at Content+Cloud
Jan Verboven
ICT Service Delivery Expert at Proximus NV
Zach Bennett
Principal Architect at LoopUp
Maxim Zinger
IT Architect at DZ BANK
Camilo Perez
Product Manager at Enterprise Holdings
Ingo Deckler
Service Owner Telephony at Uniper IT GmbH
Joanne Gritten
Commercial and Business Support Manager at Smithfield Foods Ltd.
Tian Zhang
Technical Account Manager at Kurmi Software
Michaela Thomas
Digital Workplace at TSB
steven winstone-adair
MD at www.interact-technology.com
Mike Hejsak
CEO at Voxnube Limited
James Fisher
IT&D Tech Advocate at East Sussex County Council
Chris Linford
IT Manager at Morliny Foods
Umesh Patel
Senior Technical Specialist at Leicestershire County Council
+16 other Attendees