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Comms vNext 2024

Jake Cohen

Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Loop


Hello, my name is Jake Cohen and I am a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft, working on Microsoft Loop. With over a decade of experience working on various products at Microsoft, my passion lies in harnessing the power of technology to simplify and improve people's lives. Our team created Loop to make it easier for teams to collaborate and enhance productivity. I look forward to discussing Loop and the ways in which it can improve collaboration within your team.

Speaker's Sessions
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    Corporate Vice President, Product Management - ...
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Ballroom C In Person

Opening Ceremony and Keynote: The Future of AI Powered Team Collaboration

We are thrilled to announce that Ron Pessner will be our Keynote Speaker at Commsv Next this year. Ron is a CVP and product leader with Microsoft 365. Leading modern collaboration, his group is helping transform the way people work together with apps like Micros...

We are thrilled to announce that Ron Pessner will be our Keynote Speaker at Commsv Next this year...

175 attended
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    Corporate Vice President, Product Management - ...
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Podcast booth In Person

Podcast: The Future of AI Powered Team Collaboration

23rd Apr 10:00am - 10:45am MDT

11 attended
Platte River In Person

Microsoft Loop, Teams, Copilot and the Future of Collaboration

Come and get Loopy with us :)  In this session the Microsoft Loop product team will explore worldwide trends in work and collaboration, and why we built Microsoft Loop. There is a need to bring everyone together even when they are separated by location, tim...

Come and get Loopy with us :)  In this session the Microsoft Loop product team will explore ...

63 attended
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