About Moyobi
Evercom launched in 2021 MoYoBi, a Cloud Suite solution to monitor & manage MS TEAMS.
Microsoft Teams Historical & Realtime Dashboard solution gives users the option to obtain statistics on auto-attendant / queue / agent performance, such as: answered or missed opportunities, caller experience and promptness in finding a resolution for incoming requests.
MoYoBi provides dedicated statistics and detailed reports to supervise the activity on Call Queues.
MoYoBi delivers specialized reports from the Agent’s perspective to monitor their
performance and asses their efficiency.
Part of MoYoBi’s capabilities is collecting and processing calls, providing call analytics as well as a variety of built-in reports for a quick insight into call cost and call information, enabling chargeback, traffic analysis and cost control.
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We can help with...
- TEAMS monitoring
- AA/CQ Management
- Call Accounting
- Cloud aaS
- Report