Cyber Security for Modern work - The people, the risk, and the data!
Session Description
Talk of Cyber Security is everywhere right now! Like Thanos from The Avengers, it's inevitable! But what does Cyber Security actually mean, and why should it be the number one priority for all organisations - regardless of whether they operate in Microsoft 365, Hybrid, or Multi-Cloud scenarios?
In this session, we will strip Cyber Security down to the elements that matter most - People, Risk, and Data. We'll talk about the importance of educating the People in your organisation so they are armed with the awareness and vigilence they need to recognise and respond to Risk, and how any such lack of awareness represents the potential for Cyber Criminals to break through a "hole in the fence" and gain access and control of what they ultimately want to get their hands on - your Data!
After this session, you'll understand the importance of a defence in depth strategy for your Cyber Security posture, and be able to recognise the steps you need to take to protect your People from Risk, and bolster your defences to your organisations most critical asset - your Data!
Attendees (35)

Christian Meyer

Michael Coyle

Phil Cantore

Karl Pullicino

Samuel Appleton

Richard Jones

Kai Stenberg

Steve Harvey

Ronald Humbert

Carsten Meilbak

Peter Rising

Jesper Bollerslev Jensen

Nick Hemmings

Ryan Holmes

Mario De Ridder