VIPs Depending on Microsoft Teams Rooms? 3 Reasons Why You Need to be Monitoring More than Device Health
Session Description
Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) deployment is the hot topic and the current big ticket investment for most companies.
Today, delivering an optimal MTR experience is being used as an incentive to bring employees back to the office, to ensure effective collaboration across departments or is relied upon to pitch to investors and customers. Because of the high stakes in all these scenarios, the user experience delivered during these meetings is key to drive Teams adoption and ROI.
Therefore, monitoring MTR quality, anticipating problems and ensuring user satisfaction should be at the core of any deployment strategy.
Focusing on just the devices misses the point as the devices are only the vehicle for the experience not the overall user experience in the Room.
Join this Martello session to find out the 3 reasons why you need to look beyond the MTR devices to ensure MTR meeting quality. We will also cover how to easily achieve Teams user satisfaction and deliver optimal ROI with your MTR investment.
Attendees (37)

Toby Wise

Danny Ponit

Alex Heer

Mike Gilroy-Scott

Paul Brake

James Fisher

Per Hesthaven

Gary Damon

Mark Vale

Paul Andrews

Robbie Ronnie

Peter Owen

Damian Lewis

Susie Prince

Steve Royans