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Commsverse 2022

Thorsten Pickhan

Cloud Architect
glueckkanja AG


I'm working as Senior UC Consultant at glueckkanja AG where I am responsible to plan and deploy UC infrastructures based on Microsoft technologies. I'm working as technician and consultant for more than 15 years and been specialized in Microsoft Lync/Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams for 8 years. From beginning of my UC consultant career, I was focused on Enterprise Voice implementations. Since a few years, I am co-organizer of the Microsoft Teams User Group Germany and involved in the community as speaker and blog post author. In March 2020, I started my own Office 365 YouTube channel where I publish on a regular basis new video content for my weekly “Office 365 QuickTipps” channel. In a further YouTube project, together with my friend Michael Plettner, we release a German Microsoft 365 Talk.

Since December 2024, I'm also the Co-Host for the Global AI Chapter Bochum and publishing a German podcast about Microsoft Copilot with my fellow MVP Adrian Ritter.

In July 2021, I was awarded as Microsoft MVP for Microsoft 365 for my engagement in the Microsoft Tech Community.

Speaker's Sessions
Room D Hybrid

How Teams SIP Gateway can save your Skype for Business Online IP phone investment

29th Jun 11:00am - 11:45am BST

The Microsoft Teams SIP gateway is a new technology, available since January 2022. It allows you to connect and register certified native SIP device to the Microsoft Teams platform. In this session, I will show you the basic configuration steps for Teams SIP gat...

The Microsoft Teams SIP gateway is a new technology, available since January 2022. It allows you ...

3 attended
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