As one of the UK's leading experts in fax machines, calculators & typewriters....woah there, what!?!
Yes, I'm coming up to my 30th anniversary in the tech industry and in that time I have had to re-evaluate and re-invent myself more than once. Thankfully, I've been lucky enough to work for several hardware vendors, distributors and resellers. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but somehow, about 10 years ago, I accidentally fell through a worm hole into the world of meeting room tech and I've been riding that wave ever since.
I now work for one of the worlds leading Audio Visual integrators as their Teams Rooms Champ. I spend my days advising our sales and design teams and their clients on all aspects of Microsoft Teams Rooms and hybrid meetings.
Speaker's Sessions
Unified Comms SME at Diversified EMEA
Teams Rooms - a checklist for success
What is a Teams Room, well, sometimes it depends on who you ask or who you are talking to. With convergence in the meeting space between AV, Facilities and IT, planning a successful deployment of Teams Rooms can be challenging on several levels. This session i...
What is a Teams Room, well, sometimes it depends on who you ask or who you are talking to. With ...