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Commsverse 2023

Steve Dalby

Infrastructure Manager
Sei-IS Business Consultancy


Microsoft MVP delivering: Pure Knowledge | Nothing more | Nothing less

Starting my Collaboration journey by anticipating the release of SharePoint server 2001 and updated with an invitation to be an MVP. I tell stories from experience and real-world examples of how we implement M365 Apps and Services.  With a background in Stand-up comedy and 20+ years of experience moving people to collaborative working.  My stories are helping everyone identify the value they can bring to their organisations.

Delivering MS Teams & SharePoint Change to companies like Heineken, US Army, Atlas Copco, and Euroclear Bank. I now head up the Infrastructure Services team at Lineas Belgium. 

You can catch Steve as one part of the Podcast team delivering #Office365Distilled, an obtuse mix of Technology and Whisky with Marijn Somershttps://www.office365distilled.com/

Speaker's Sessions
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    Infrastructure Manager at Sei-IS Business Consu...
Room D In Person

Empowering You In The Cloud Through Innovation, Adaptability & Collaboration

22nd Jun 2:15pm - 2:40pm BST

We have the responsibility to assist the business in collaboration!  Whatever skills we bring to the M365 table, we need to adapt, innovate, and drive teamwork or accept that there will be a failure to deliver at some level. In this session, we will take f...

We have the responsibility to assist the business in collaboration!  Whatever skills we brin...

7 attended
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