Event Sessions
Contact Centre Subject Matter Expert at AudioCodes
Always On CX:EX - Making Every Microsoft Teams User a Potential Agent
Today's workplace demands an innovative approach to customer experience. One that empowers agents to enjoy their jobs and enables great service. When you have a CCaaS that leverages a UC like Microsoft Teams, you not only enhance the main service desk, but sprea...
Today's workplace demands an innovative approach to customer experience. One that empowers agents...
Always On CX:EX - Making Every Microsoft Teams User a Potential Agent
Chief Product Officer at Call Sights
CRM Integration for Microsoft Teams
Alex Rogers from CallSights answers these questions on the topic "CRM Integration for Teams": Why integrate Teams with your CRM? Integrating with phone calls, voice calls and meetings. Can integration be done natively? Can middleware help further? Working with ...
Alex Rogers from CallSights answers these questions on the topic "CRM Integration for Teams": Wh...
CRM Integration for Microsoft Teams
Senior Cloud Architect at Cloudway
Enhancing collaboration i Teams using PowerPlatform
There are a number of tools at your disposal in the PowerPlatform that you can use to enchange your collaboration experience in Microsoft Teams! During this session I will share my tips and tricks as well as handing out digital give away solutions that you can ...
There are a number of tools at your disposal in the PowerPlatform that you can use to enchange yo...
Enhancing collaboration i Teams using PowerPlatform
Senior Sales Engineer at Martello
VIPs Depending on Microsoft Teams Rooms? 3 Reasons Why You Need to be Monitoring More than Device Health
Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) deployment is the hot topic and the current big ticket investment for most companies. Today, delivering an optimal MTR experience is being used as an incentive to bring employees back to the office, to ensure effective collaboration a...
Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) deployment is the hot topic and the current big ticket investment for...
VIPs Depending on Microsoft Teams Rooms? 3 Reasons Why You Need to be Monitoring More than Device Health
Founder & Director at MeeTime
"Viva Schmiva" - How To Cut Through The Marketing Buzz And Get The Best Return On Your Viva Investment
"Viva" is a Microsoft Marketeer's dream... ...But that doesn't mean you have to get lost in the Bermuda triangle of marketing speak when trying to figure out how you are going to use these, seemingly disparate, apps to save time and increase employee engagement...
"Viva" is a Microsoft Marketeer's dream... ...But that doesn't mean you have to get lost in the ...
"Viva Schmiva" - How To Cut Through The Marketing Buzz And Get The Best Return On Your Viva Investment
EMEA Microsoft Alliances Business Development M...
Empowering Collaboration: The Critical Role of Lenovo Compute in Microsoft Teams Rooms
Microsoft Teams has emerged as a leading platform for communication and collaboration in today's digital workplace. To fully leverage its capabilities, it's essential to have the right technology in place. One critical aspect of this is compute. The computing po...
Microsoft Teams has emerged as a leading platform for communication and collaboration in today's ...
Empowering Collaboration: The Critical Role of Lenovo Compute in Microsoft Teams Rooms
Principal Architect at WaveCore IT Inc.
Planning large scale account provisioning for Microsoft Teams Rooms/Shared Device
Planning large scale account provisioning for Microsoft Teams Rooms/Shared Devices involves carefully coordinating the set-up and management of multiple accounts for use on shared devices such as conference rooms or common area phones.This process typically invo...
Planning large scale account provisioning for Microsoft Teams Rooms/Shared Devices involves caref...
Planning large scale account provisioning for Microsoft Teams Rooms/Shared Device
SE Team Lead UK & I at Logitech
The post-pandemic workplace and smarter meeting rooms
With hybrid workspaces here to stay, Logitech announces new solutions to bring intelligent, equitable meeting spaces that keep remote Microsoft Teams attendees more engaged than ever before. Join us in this session to hear how Logitech and Microsoft work togethe...
With hybrid workspaces here to stay, Logitech announces new solutions to bring intelligent, equit...
The post-pandemic workplace and smarter meeting rooms
Viva Insights - Boost Manager Effectiveness
Join me for a deep dive into how you can boost your company’s managerial effectiveness using data driven insights from Microsoft Viva. Using statistics taken from Microsoft Viva Insights “Ways of Working” assessment we will explore 3 key areas ...
Join me for a deep dive into how you can boost your company’s managerial effectiveness usin...
Viva Insights - Boost Manager Effectiveness
Global Director at Enghouse Interactive
Enhancing Customer Service and Support: Demonstrating the Value of the Top Technologies for IT and CX Leaders
According to Gartner, the future lies in delivering a seamless multichannel experience, supported by consistent knowledge content and smooth channel transitions. Drawing on insights from Gartner and more, this session will highlight the technologies that are top...
According to Gartner, the future lies in delivering a seamless multichannel experience, supported...
Enhancing Customer Service and Support: Demonstrating the Value of the Top Technologies for IT and CX Leaders
Microsoft MVP at Exobe AB
Secure Teams devices in a modern organization
Microsoft Teams Rooms is a common meeting room system that makes the meeting experience better for both participants in the room and those connecting remotely. Teams also includes Teams Displays, Teams Panels and Teams Phones, all of which must be connected and ...
Microsoft Teams Rooms is a common meeting room system that makes the meeting experience better fo...
Secure Teams devices in a modern organization
Director at NBConsult
All You Need To Know About Multi-Tenant Organizations
In this session we will look at a concept that has long existed, but has recently been given a name by Microsoft and is getting development resources and features. This is the MTO – or the Multi-Tenant Organization, and this is any organization who have mo...
In this session we will look at a concept that has long existed, but has recently been given a na...
All You Need To Know About Multi-Tenant Organizations
CEO at Nuvola Distribution Ltd
Empower and protect your Teams Phone system with Operator Connect
Gamma and Nuvola Distribution understand the need for integrated solutions to support your communications, with Microsoft Teams increasingly becoming a key component of the unified communications landscape. Over the next 3 years, it’s anticipated th...
Gamma and Nuvola Distribution understand the need for integrated solutions to support your commun...
Empower and protect your Teams Phone system with Operator Connect
Senior Modern Work Consultant at Meltlake Oy
5 reasons why your organisation should embrace Viva Engage
According to the 2022 Work trend index, 43% of leaders say relationship-building is the greatest challenge in hybrid and remote work. What kind of tools technology offers for building a strong company culture in the new modern era of work? Viva Engage was ...
According to the 2022 Work trend index, 43% of leaders say relationship-building is the greatest ...
5 reasons why your organisation should embrace Viva Engage
Consulting Services Manager - Security & Compli...
Cyber Security for Modern work - The people, the risk, and the data!
Talk of Cyber Security is everywhere right now! Like Thanos from The Avengers, it's inevitable! But what does Cyber Security actually mean, and why should it be the number one priority for all organisations - regardless of whether they operate in Microsoft 365, ...
Talk of Cyber Security is everywhere right now! Like Thanos from The Avengers, it's inevitable! B...
Cyber Security for Modern work - The people, the risk, and the data!
Product Specialist at Neat
Are appliances ready for the meeting room?
In this session, Graham will talk you through some of the perceived differences with Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows and Android and show you how Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android are now ready for mass deployment.
In this session, Graham will talk you through some of the perceived differences with Microsoft Te...
Are appliances ready for the meeting room?
Head "Microsoft" Nerd at N-Able
Teams Phone: Navigating Calling Plans, Direct Routing, Operator Connect, and Teams Phone Mobile
With the growing popularity of Teams Phone, it's essential to choose the right delivery method to ensure a smooth and successful deployment. This session will provide a detailed overview of the various delivery methods available, You will learn: The benefits...
With the growing popularity of Teams Phone, it's essential to choose the right delivery method to...
Teams Phone: Navigating Calling Plans, Direct Routing, Operator Connect, and Teams Phone Mobile
Founder & Principal Solutions Architect at VulT...
Automating Ourselves Out of a Job with ChatGPT
Join Richard and Eric to learn how you can automate many administrative tasks in Teams with the power of ChatGPT. Whether it's assisting you on your deployment and/or maintaining your existing deployment, there will be a few items here for everyone!
Join Richard and Eric to learn how you can automate many administrative tasks in Teams with the p...
Automating Ourselves Out of a Job with ChatGPT
Microsoft 365 Solution Architect at ISCG
Easy guide to the successful Teams meeting
Meetings are one of the most time-consuming tasks for office workers. The pandemic pushed that even further with online and hybrid approaches. Daily calls, webinar, meetings with customers, project calls, 1:1's…. We rely on meetings as never before, but d...
Meetings are one of the most time-consuming tasks for office workers. The pandemic pushed that ev...
Easy guide to the successful Teams meeting
Managing Partner / Microsoft MVP at in2success ...
Lets get deep into Viva Goals
You may have heard about Microsoft Viva and also about Viva Goals, but this session is about the admin and best practice side of this OKR tool.What can you set up, what should you set up and what are the reasons to decide if an object under an object is a good w...
You may have heard about Microsoft Viva and also about Viva Goals, but this session is about the ...