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Commsverse 2022

Raphael Köllner


Raphael Koellner combining the law and the information technology in particular the cloud computing and Compliance, Security and GDPR. He worked for universities, Microsoft Germany (DX), law companies and Microsoft Partners.

He is CEO of KöllnService GmbH a IT and Compliance Company and digital.lawyer.

Before he was Executive consultant for BDO Digital GmbH as a part of BDO AG. Raphael Koellner is Microsoft Regional Director. He is a 8 time MVP for Office Apps & Services, Insider MVP from the first hour, Teams ELITE 100 Program member, MCT and Microsoft Student Partner. As a Microsoft MVP, Raphael is a frequent speaker at international events and conferences. He is the lead of the Office 365 Usergroup Germany, the Azure Meetup Cologne and founded the compliancefam.

Speaker's Sessions
Room C Hybrid

Enterprise Compliance: Insider Risk Management in Microsoft 365 from the field

30th Jun 11:25am - 12:10pm BST

Data protection and above all data security have been frequently discussed or is a deadly topic in every company, not only since the basic data protection regulation. The requirements for a uniform solution with labels, encryption and monitoring are clear at fir...

Data protection and above all data security have been frequently discussed or is a deadly topic i...

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