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Experts Live Denmark 2024

Sakari Nahi



Sakari Nahi is the CEO of Zure - an Azure-focused company designing, developing and maintaining solutions. Zure has offices in Finland, Belgium and Denmark. He runs a user group in Finland and is a co-host of a Microsoft-focused podcast.

Sakari ("Sakke") has been coding on .NET professionally since 2002. He's a dad of two, husband of one and likes roguelikes & text-based games. He's passionate about distributed computing, emerging technologies and synergies thereof.

Speaker's Sessions
Breakout #3 - 1.04 In Person

This is why your app modernization projects fail

20th Mar 2:20pm - 3:10pm CET

We've all been there. There's a legacy codebase that's old enough to go to a bar, and "surprisingly" it has become such a big ball of mud that adding new features or fixing bugs has become very time-consuming and expensive. And irritating enough for some people ...

We've all been there. There's a legacy codebase that's old enough to go to a bar, and "surprising...

1 attended
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