I'm a Principal Consultant working with Teams voice, as well as all of the supporting bits from Microsoft and others. As a consultant, my role is to help organizations sort through the available options and make choices that work for them.I'm a Teams MVP, the founder/coordinator/presenter at the British Columbia Unified Communications User Group and will wander to other user groups to spread my own version of UC & Collab reality. I blog useful things at and tweet occasionally from @bumpinthenet. I live in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.
Speaker's Sessions
Solutions Architect at Cloud Revolution
Clear Creek
In Person
Teams Call Quality - Monitoring, Reporting, and Troubleshooting
24th Apr
1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
Teams audio and video quality is great, unless it's not. Then it's a problem. Maybe it's your problem. If it is, then this session is for you! Teams is flush with tools and features to help you proactively and reactively address audio and video quality is...
Teams audio and video quality is great, unless it's not. Then it's a problem. Maybe it's your pro...
58 attended
Teams Call Quality - Monitoring, Reporting, and Troubleshooting
24th Apr
1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT