Event Sessions
Jason Bradbury
KEYNOTE: The Thousand Year Decade
Jason Bradbury will deliver the Commsverse Keynote entitled "The Thousand Year Decade". Jason will talk about how we are experiencing the same rate of technological progress of the last 1000 years in just the next 10 years. Jason will be focusing in on a number ...
Jason Bradbury will deliver the Commsverse Keynote entitled "The Thousand Year Decade". Jason wil...
KEYNOTE: The Thousand Year Decade
Co-Founder at Empowering.Cloud
Choosing the right ecosystem partners and solutions for Microsoft Teams
Very quickly into your Microsoft Teams journey, you are likely to need one or more ecosystem partner solutions to complete your solution. Be it as simple as PSTN connectivity or as complex as device choices, compliance session recording and contact center, mak...
Very quickly into your Microsoft Teams journey, you are likely to need one or more ecosystem pa...
Choosing the right ecosystem partners and solutions for Microsoft Teams
Cloud Architect at glueckkanja AG
How Teams SIP Gateway can save your Skype for Business Online IP phone investment
The Microsoft Teams SIP gateway is a new technology, available since January 2022. It allows you to connect and register certified native SIP device to the Microsoft Teams platform. In this session, I will show you the basic configuration steps for Teams SIP gat...
The Microsoft Teams SIP gateway is a new technology, available since January 2022. It allows you ...
How Teams SIP Gateway can save your Skype for Business Online IP phone investment
Founder & Director at MeeTime
How to save your employees 4 hours per person per week by fixing your broken internal communications using Microsoft Teams and Microsoft365
If you’re like most companies, the pandemic forced you into rushing into remote and hybrid working without much thought, planning or training. Your employees are in back-to-back virtual meetings, micro-managing and have no time for value-adding activities ...
If you’re like most companies, the pandemic forced you into rushing into remote and hybrid ...
Business Development Director at Spectralink
Spectralink DECT for Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway - Why you need a truly Enterprise DECT solution to simplify voice delivery
Deskless employees and frontline workers are the customer-facing element of most organisations. These key employees are found in more than 80% of enterprise organisations. After 2 years of organisations rushing to enable their desk-based employees with UCaaS to...
Deskless employees and frontline workers are the customer-facing element of most organisations. T...
Spectralink DECT for Microsoft Teams SIP Gateway - Why you need a truly Enterprise DECT solution to simplify voice delivery
Sr. Solutions Consultant at Jabra
What's new with Microsoft Teams Devices
Learn about the newest features in Microsoft Teams Android devices an Teams Rooms Windows as well as how to implement them.
Learn about the newest features in Microsoft Teams Android devices an Teams Rooms Windows as well...
What's new with Microsoft Teams Devices
Head "Microsoft" Nerd at N-Able
Teams Phone System, understand your choices
If you want to add telephony to your Teams deployment then on the surface it might seem like a straightforward choice between Calling Plans, Direct Routing or Operator Connect, however the devil can be in the details. This session will cover what the main differ...
If you want to add telephony to your Teams deployment then on the surface it might seem like a st...
Teams Phone System, understand your choices
Director Technical Marketing at Neil Fluester
The Equitable, Flexible, Hybrid Return To Work Of The Future Workplace Life Balance....
During the last few years of craziness there have been numerous buzz words and phrases collaboration vendors have jumped on with terms like "Hybrid Work" and "Meeting Equity" to name a few. In this session we cut the fluff and lift the lid on what you actually n...
During the last few years of craziness there have been numerous buzz words and phrases collaborat...
The Equitable, Flexible, Hybrid Return To Work Of The Future Workplace Life Balance....
Deep Dive in enabling Microsoft Teams Connect - Shared Channels
Shared channels enables multiple orgs to work together as one team in a shared space for a more structured, deeper and longer-term collaboration. Chat, call, meet, share and co-author files, and collaborate on apps. This session will focus on how to enable Teams...
Shared channels enables multiple orgs to work together as one team in a shared space for a more s...
Deep Dive in enabling Microsoft Teams Connect - Shared Channels
Architect at Luise Freese
- +1 speaker
Happy 5th Birthday, Microsoft Teams – a community panel with special guest Laurie
Can you believe it? Microsoft Teams is already 5 years old. Join the panelists for a celebration on how far Teams already came, what they still miss and what is their outlook for the future. Let’s have a look together on adoption, integration with Power Pl...
Can you believe it? Microsoft Teams is already 5 years old. Join the panelists for a celebration ...
Happy 5th Birthday, Microsoft Teams – a community panel with special guest Laurie
Introducing 3D and Geospatial Features in Teams
In this session I'll explain these fantastic features for Power Platform world: Mixed Reality and Geospatial Features. This way enable you to create a awesome applications in Teams for your business. But is not all... using SharePoint Spaces it is possible inclu...
In this session I'll explain these fantastic features for Power Platform world: Mixed Reality and...
Introducing 3D and Geospatial Features in Teams
Infrastructure Manager at Sei-IS Business Consu...
Collaboration looped into MS teams
MS teams have the coolest tools and will likely be the place that Collaboration happens. In this 25 minute session, we will focus on 5 practical collaboration practices that end-users find real value in incorporating into their daily routines. 1- Making this Loo...
MS teams have the coolest tools and will likely be the place that Collaboration happens. In this ...
Collaboration looped into MS teams
CEO at Numonix
Why You Win with Recording: A Study of Key Customer Successes
Join us for a deep dive into case studies where Teams users win with recording. Gain insight into the trending pain points of teams recording intertwined with insight into the solution stacks deployed to overcome organization hurdles and cross the finish line. W...
Join us for a deep dive into case studies where Teams users win with recording. Gain insight into...
Why You Win with Recording: A Study of Key Customer Successes
How Logitech enables empowered hybrid work
In this session we will provide a snapshot into our recently launched products that truly help you and your users to empower hybrid work. With Logi Dock and Zone Wireless Earbuds, your home can become the ultimate productive environment. For your mee...
In this session we will provide a snapshot into our recently launched products that truly help yo...
How Logitech enables empowered hybrid work
Enterprise Architect at Net at Work GmbH
How to build a properconnction to cloud services
Using Office 365, Teams and other cloud services sounds easy: start your browser, Office App and go. But using a service with 50+ms latency can be challenging in comparison to a local server with GBit and low latency. Learn how Azure Networks, peering, TCP-param...
Using Office 365, Teams and other cloud services sounds easy: start your browser, Office App and ...
How to build a properconnction to cloud services
CTO at atwork
Learn how to use Microsoft Search and integrate your business data
Microsoft Search provides an intelligent enterprise search experience to find data from various services in a Microsoft 365 tenant. Learn more about available Microsoft search options and when to use what, from Microsoft Search to Azure Cognitive Search. You wil...
Microsoft Search provides an intelligent enterprise search experience to find data from various s...
Learn how to use Microsoft Search and integrate your business data
Solution Architect at Computacenter
Taking Microsoft Voice to the next level
Building upon the successful session at Commsverse 2021, Microsoft MVP and Teams Voice guru, Jason Wynn, brings you the updated information for 2022. This session will focus on what is necessary to get the most out of investment into Microsoft Teams Voice. Under...
Building upon the successful session at Commsverse 2021, Microsoft MVP and Teams Voice guru, Jaso...
Taking Microsoft Voice to the next level
CEO at Callroute
Direct Routing and hybrid telephony meets SaaS
The concept of hybrid working has brought about the need for hybrid telephony. Learn how Callroute has turned what has traditionally been considered a project into a cloud self-service offering.
The concept of hybrid working has brought about the need for hybrid telephony. Learn how Ca...
Direct Routing and hybrid telephony meets SaaS
Technical Director aaS at Ribbon
Unlocking the aaS opportunity
Building new revenue streams without significant up-front investment can be a challenge for any business - learn how Ribbon is helping our partners address this challenge in the new Cloud based, consumption economy. From fully ready to consume cloud based SaaS ...
Building new revenue streams without significant up-front investment can be a challenge for any b...
Unlocking the aaS opportunity
Onyx Data
An Introduction to Machine Learning in Power BI
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. Machine learning is an important component of the growing fi...
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses o...